Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pomp and Snowstorm-stance

" I now confer upon you the degree of...oh wait it's snowing..we have to CANCEL"

It has been a month since my last post. During which I was spending countless hours in the UMBC library, sleeping on friend's couches in College Park, and trying not to fall asleep in my classes. I also managed to rack up enough miles in stop and go traffic between Baltimore County and PG county to acquire the need for new front end brakes and a transmission flush. If there were a such thing as "frequent driver" miles I think I would be racking up nicely.

But alas, on this day, Wednesday, December 23rd, I can proudly say that I have FINISHED my undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland. Usually, this means that one has a graduation ceremony. A time to put on a cap and gown, wear University colors with pride, and listen to embarrassing stories that your parents will share with other relatives/family friends (maybe that's just my mom and dad are both good at "remember the time Cate said yadda yadda when she was 4?"). But then it snowed...

This was no ordinary snow in December in Baltimore; a simple dusting or picturesque 2 inches that crunch under your feet. This was a BLIZZARD. It snowed, and snowed, and did not stop until this past Sunday (It began Friday night). It snowed upwards of 2 feet. When I went to dig my poor little Nissan Sentra out, the snow nearly went to my waist (I'm only 5'2").

Being that commencement exercises at the University of Maryland were scheduled to be held last Saturday and Sunday and a blizzard hit Maryland hard; of course they were cancelled. But alas, my story doesn't end here. They were cancelled AND they weren't rescheduled. Yup. No. make-up. date. at. all.

I got a really "kind" email that explained there would be no alternative ceremony and that I was "welcome" to walk in May. Welcome to walk? Welcome to walk? So you were just going to say "oh gee Ms.Hooper, you worked hard and paid us money to learn but there is no seat for you at the table. Well actually we'll be kind and squeeze you in six months from now."

Outraged I considered starting a petition..I took to twitter letting everyone know I was mad, and seeing that others (who weren't even December grads) were upset and disappointed too.

And what do you know? I got an email 2 days ago saying that my graduation has been rescheduled. That I could in fact walk..and I'll only have to wait 4 weeks to do so instead of six months.

So what if it's going to be a watered down ceremony in Cole Field house...they are still going to call my name. I still get to hear: Catherine L. Hooper, Bachelor of Arts recipient. So yea, I'll take that. I'll be in the house next month and I'll be grinning front row center like a Cheshire cat.


  1. Way to go , Cate! Graduation is a celebration of accomplishments and needs to be recognized as such in a timely manner. The ceremony will be more intimate and special anyway which will be really nice. See you on the 24th!
    Mrs. Birckhead

  2. You Go, Girl!! This is one assignment the University didn't expect you to submit. Just to show you what a little extra credit can do to help you make the grade!!! Congratulations!!!
