Friday, December 26, 2008

As 2008 Comes to a close...

As 2008 comes to a close, I, as people often do have started to reflect on the past year. Per usual, I've chosen not to make a New Year's resolution because I never keep them. I've been trying for the last five or so years to be less of a potty mouth, and those who know me know that it isn't my forte.

Instead, in 2009 I vow to live my life open to whatever comes my way. There is no time like the present to actually do all the things I've been planning to do, or things that I've said that I'm going to do. So, with that said here's a little peak at the list:

  1. Get my own website, basically as a way to serve as a virtual business card
  2. Read more books..I'm always open to suggestions.
  3. Learn the entire Adobe Suite
  4. Play at Juke Joint (it's been 4 years in the making, sad I know)
  5. Volunteer more ( I recently started teaching music theory to middle school-aged kids, and LOVE it)
  6. "Throw caution to the wind"

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